Just like Frog Stew, the frog doesn’t know he’s gonna get cooked when he jumps in that pot of water. It starts out nice and cool, but slowly and steadily the temperature increases…
If he were thrown into boiling water, he’d jump right out, quickly aware of the danger. But if the temperature rises gradually, he comfortably adapts to each new and changing degree… Until he loses all consciousness. Before he even knows what’s happening, it’s too late, he’s FROG STEW!
There is a mysterious force at work in society called leveling. What is considered “acceptable” in society today would have been shocking just a generation ago. Modern man is becoming a product of media consumption, deceived into thinking that he is living a full life. Every bit of ones own passion and potential has been cleverly drained from childhood through schemes & devices from YouTube & video games to political podCasts & complex documentaries.

Alone with a phone, one is left worthless as far as accomplishing anything true & real. A leveled person becomes good frog stew, never making waves as passions are re-channeled into empty pursuits… Active in fantasy but passive in reality, the masses are eventually leveled out…

Yet, while society is being masterfully herded towards a frightening “Brave New World”, the ancient tribal movement which began in the 1st Century has begun to be restored!
We are not calling for a rebellion or an uprising to overthrow the governments of this world order. Those people are made of the same stuff we are.
The restoration is community; HOMES AND FARMS full of men & women, families & single people from every language, tribe, and nation standing as one. We are overcoming the real enemy together.
The enemy is selfishness…